We are delighted that you are considering Stanford for your child's education and we welcome your interest in our school. Stanford International School accepts students who wish to be successful in a college placement program. Students applying for admission are considered on an individual basis. Admissions will be finalized after evaluation of previous school records,
completion of school admissions examinations, and a personal interview with the Admissions Director or his/her designee. All students admitted to Stanford International School must live with parents or an authorized adult guardian. When a student does not live with a parent, the School Director or his designee must interview and approve in writing the adult guardian.
All applications made to Stanford are considered on an individual basis. Admission will only be finalized after all relevant paperwork has been completed and received by Admissions Office by the due date.
Please note:
The Admissions Department wil be overseeing the following aspects of your child's admission; receipt of application forms, Open Morning appointments and school tours, arrangements for admissions assessments, interviews with the Principal and the relevant head of School.